Aletai - meteoricteiron III-an from Xinjiang region in China
The Aletai meteorite is a rare iron meteorite (coarse octahedrite) that belongs to the very rare chemical group IIIE-an (chemical group IIIE with anomalous properties). This type is extremely unique because only two meteorites currently belong to this group. Aletai is distinguished from other members of Group IIIE by its elevated gold (Au) and cobalt (Co) content and unusual iridium (Ir) content, which do not follow the typical Au-Ir trend of other iron meteorites of Group IIIE.
Due to its unique chemical composition and internal structure, the Aletai meteorite is a specimen unparalleled in the world meteorite collection. The exceptional combination of chemical elements and petrological properties suggests that all parts of the Aletai meteorite come from the same fall.