Carbonaceous Chondrite - NWA 13643 - 0.002 grams

$ 4.14


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Carbon chondrite NWA 13643 weighing 0.002 grams More

Structural classification of the meteorite: CM2 carbonaceous chondrite

Impact location: Morocco, Africa

Date of fall: unknown

Date of discovery: 2020

The meteorite weighs 0.002 grams.

The meteorite is contained in a plastic box with a white backing and a description.

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A carbonaceous chondrite of type CM2 with the designation NWA 13643 was purchased in Morocco in 2020.It was a multiple small dark grey to black specimen without fused crust. Petrographically, the meteorite is composed of small (apparent diameter of about 250 μm) chondrules, chondrule pseudomorphs, mineral fragments and rare CAI, many of which are surrounded by fine-grained dusty rims set in an abundant fine-grained matrix. The matrix is Fe-rich with abundant Fe-sulphides and rare Ca-carbonates. Low analytical matrix analysis totals indicate the presence of hydrous phyllosilicates.