Carbonaceous Chondrite - NWA 14740 - 0.029 grams

$ 8.41


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Carbon chondrite NWA 14740 weighing 0.029 grams More

Structural classification of the meteorite: C3-ung carbonaceous chondrite

Impact location: Morocco, Africa

Date of fall: unknown

Date of discovery: 2021

The meteorite weighs 0.029 grams.

The meteorite is contained in a plastic box with a white backing and a description.

!!! You are buying exactly the piece that is shown in the photo !!!

History: in 2021, Juan Poblador and Roger Jones purchased this meteorite together from an Algerian dealer.

Petrography: (A. Irving, UWS and P. Carpenter, WUSL; L. Garvie, ASU) Relatively small, well-formed chondrules (apparent diameter 310±280 µm, N = 26) accompanied by zoned mineral grains, AOA and rare very small, amoeboid, very fine-grained CAI are embedded in a black ultrafine-grained matrix (~60 vol. Accessory phases detected by electron microprobe analysis include troilite, pentlandite, kamacite (only as inclusions in olivine chondrule) and calcite. No phyllosilicates were detected by powder X-ray diffraction analysis.

Geochemistry: olivine (Fa23.1±23.8, range Fa0.9-58.1, N = 8), low-Ca pyroxene (Fs1.1±0.5Wo2.8±2.6, range Fs0.7-1.4Wo0.9-4.6, N = 2), subcalcareous augite (Fs0.8Wo30.3). Oxygen isotopes (C. Sonzogni, J. Gattacceca, CEREGE): analysis of a 1.5 mm powder sample by laser fluorination gave ?17O 1.41, ?18O 8.68, ?17O -3.16 (for a TFL slope of 0.526), all promiles.

Classification: carbonaceous chondrite (type 3, ungrouped). Potentially paired with NWA 14139, NWA 14179, and other recently found ungrouped C3 chondrite samples based on similarities in texture, mineralogy, and especially oxygen isotopic composition.