Stone Meteorite - Djoumine - 0.26 grams

$ 6.13


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Stone Meteorite Djoumine weighing 0.26 grams More

Structural classification of the meteorite: Chondrite H5-6

Impact location: Djoumine, Banzart, Tunisia, Africa

Date of fall: 31.10.1999 18:45-19:00 local time

Date of discovery: 1999

The meteorite weighs 0.26 grams.

The meteorite is contained in a plastic box with a white backing and a description.

!!! You are buying exactly the piece that is shown in the photo !!!

The Djoumine meteorite is a rocky meteorite classified as chondrite H5-6. It is an observed meteorite fall on 31 October 1999 at approximately 18:45 - 19:00 local time, accompanied by detonations, direction of flight from SW to NE. Subsequently, two meteorites were found by children near the village of Djoumine in NW Tunisia. Later, several other meteorites with a total mass of approximately 10 kg were found in a 4 km long impact field. 

Classification and mineralogy (A. Bischoff; R. Bartoschewitz): olivine, Fa18.7~0.7; pyroxene, Fs16.3~0.4W01.7~0.8; shock stage. S3; contains shock veins and light clasts in darker colored matrix.

By purchasing a Djoumine meteorite, you not only get a unique piece of the universe, but also a great story to share with others. This meteorite is the perfect gift for anyone interested in space, science and history. Order your own piece of Djoumine meteorite and bring a piece of space mystery into your home.