Stone meteorite - Jbilet Winselwan - 0.184 grams

$ 8.59


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Stone meteorite from Jbilet Winselwan, Western Sahara weighing 0.184 grams More

Meteorite structural classification: carbonaceous chondrite CM2

Impact location: Western Sahara

Date of fall: June 2013

The weight of the meteorite is 0.184 grams.

The meteorite is stored in a plastic box with a white backing and a description.

!!! You are buying exactly the piece that is shown in the photo !!!

The Jbilet Winselwan meteorite is a rare carbonaceous chondrite that is considered one of the oldest and most primitive meteorites found on Earth. This meteorite comes from the Western Sahara region of Morocco, where it was discovered in 2013. Due to its composition, this meteorite is extremely valuable for scientific studies because it contains organic matter and precursors of life that may have formed more than 4.5 billion years ago.

Jbilet Winselwan is an ideal choice for collectors, scientists and space object enthusiasts looking for a unique and historically significant piece of space.